Local locksmith & 24/7 emergency locksmith services provided in Gosforth Newcastle. Gosforth Locksmith Service are local & based within Gosforth providing both domestic / commercial locksmith services & 24/7 emergency locksmith services.
All manner of work undertaken from the opening of locks to repairs on faulty / damaged hardware.
Swift responses typically arriving within 30 mins (If required)
2 year warranty on all parts supplied & fitted
Free quotes with no call out fees whatever the time of day or night
No VAT added to bills
Unrivalled low cost labour rates
Non destructive entries (Locks picked)
High security home insurance approved locks supplied & fitted
New wood / Upvc door lock installs
Garage door locks repaired & replaced
Sliding door lock repairs
French / Patio door locking issues resolved
Upvc window & door locking issues resolved
Lock upgrades
Hardware supplied & installed