Local locksmith & 24/ 7 emergency locksmith services at reasonable local (Not national) prices. Gosforth Locksmith Service are locally based within Gosforth & offer a wide range of locksmith services both via appointment & at short notice 24/7, covering emergency situations that can occur.
All manner of work carried out for example, repairing multi-point locking systems (Where you need to lift your door handle before locking your door) Opening electric shop shutters, repairing garage door locking systems to opening jewellery boxes & shed doors.
No call out fees No VAT charges added to bills.
Free quotations available before any work commences, we only charge for labour plus parts (Parts if required). Prices start from as low as £29.99.
Locks picked (Non destructive entries)
High security home insurance approved lock upgrades
French / Patio door locking issues resolved
Upvc window & door locking issues solved
Garage door locks opened & repaired
Electric shop shutter opening & remote control replacements