Operating locally out of Gosforth Newcasrle, Gosforth Locksmith Service provide both locksmith & 24/7 emergency locksmith services to residential & commercial properties.
Locked out? Lost or stolen keys? Keys snapped in lock? Door handles not moving or just spinning? Keys not unlocking door just spinning or not turning? Need new / upgraded locks?
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No call out fees 🔑 No VAT added to bills 🔑 Low cost labour rates guaranteed to save you money 🔑 Free quotation before any work commences 🔑 2 year warranty on all parts supplied & fitted.
High security home insurance approved lock upgrades
Non destructive entries (LOCK PICKING)
Multipoint locking system repairs
Upvc window & door locking issues resolved
French / Patio door locking issues resolved
Sliding door locks repaired
Garage door locks repaired / replaced