A busy day starting off with a couple who have just moved into

the area & were experiencing issues with their multipoint composite door latch setup. Their door would seemingly close leaving them locked out & very distressed unless they had remembered to take a key out to re open the door. After closer inspection it quickly became apparent that the locking mechanism spindle port within the locking mechanism was idle (No handle to operate latch had been fitted through the door). New external mortice door knob with spindle was fitted at customers request which now allows customer to open and close the door without using keys all the time "Happy days" and all at a great local low cost price too.

Double Lock French Doors
Two new high security British standard home insurance approved Euro locks with three keys each fitted. Customer called after losing keys. Changing the lock on the slave door was tricky & the doors needed realigning but we got there in not too much time at all "Job done"
Gosforth Locksmith Service do not have any call out fees & we do not charge VAT we only charge for work carried out and parts ( If needed) Are labour fees a locally (Not nationally) priced.
Feel free to give us a call anytime on 07949271885
Visit us @ www.gosforthlocksmithservice.co.uk