Local locksmiths Gosforth Locksmith Service offer a around the clock 27/7 emergency locksmith service in Gosforth & Newcastle Upon Tyne. If you have an emergency situation our locksmith can be there with you within 30 mins to an hour, we also offer our service via appointments for those non emergency jobs that may need completing too.
Gosforth locksmith service offer the highest levels of locksmith workmanship specialising in non destructive entries, all locksmiths are DBS checked & fully trained / qualified to deliver all manner of locksmith services from lock outs to window & door realignments.
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Local low cost prices guaranteed from a local company not national, all parts supplied & fitted ( If required ) carry a 12 month warranty. Call Steve on 07949271885 for a free no obligation quote. No VAT or call out charges.
services include;
🔑Non destructive entry / lock picking 🔑French / patio door issues
🔑Euro cylinder lock changes / upgrades 🔑Garage door entries /
🔑uPVC window & door locking mechanisms lock replacements
🔑Composite door locking mechanisms 🔑No call out fees or
🔑Mortice lock replacements / upgrades VAT charges
🔑Locks supplied & fitted 🔑12 month warranties on all
parts supplied & fitted
🔑Extensive stock carried so most jobs completed 🔑Door alignments
on first visit 🔑Window alignments
🔑Door handle spinning issues resolved 🔑Shed locks picked
🔑Key just spinning issues resolved 🔑Cabinet locks picked
🔑Ironmongery supplied & fitted 🔑Locks keyed alike
🔑Smart locks & handles supplied & fitted
keyless entry.
Plus more...