Local locksmiths Gosforth Locksmith Service strive to provide a swift response usually within the hour wherever necessary. We offer a professional reliable & friendly locksmith service in Gosforth Newcastle & throughout the surrounding areas.

All Locksmiths are DBS checked & registered with local trade comparison site Checked & Vetted. All parts supplied & fitted(if needed) are British standard home insurance approved. Prices start from £49.99
Are services include;
👍Local affordable prices not extortionate national company rates
👍27/7 emergency response
🔑Broken key extractions
🔑Lock repairs
🔑Lock upgrades
🔑Lock picking
🔑Locking mechanism fault finding & repairs
🔑Wood door reopening
🔑UPVC / composite door & window reopening
🔑Garage door opening
🔑Commercial shutter unlocking
🔑Padlock unlocking
🔑Small safe unlocking
👍New home owner discounts
👍Landlord discounts
☎ Call for a free quote 07948271885