Local locksmiths Gosforth Locksmith Service operate out of Gosforth Newcastle & provide a 24/7 around the clock locksmith service at highly competitive rates. We'll usually arrive within 30 mins to an hour (If required) We carry most commonly found locks & locking components in the hope of resolving your issue as swiftly as possible in one visit.
All work carried out by fully trained & qualified locksmith & all parts (If needed) are home insurance approved, parts supplied & fitted carry standard 2 year warranty.
🔑No call out fees or VAT 🔑
🔑Ultimate top quality home insurance approved lock upgrades available upon request🔑
Frequently encountered scenarious;
Key not turning, Key just spinning, Door handles stiff or not moving, door handle loose just spinning, Keys snapped in locks, Lost or stolen keys.
Services provided;
🔑Locks picked ( Non destructive entries)
🔑Lock upgrades (Home insurance approved)
🔑Smart locks supplied & fitted (Keyless entry)
🔑Locks keyed alike
🔑Low cost labour rates
🔑No call out fees
🔑No VAT added to bills
🔑French / Patio door locking issues resolved
🔑Sliding patio door locking issues solved
🔑Alarm & CCTV installs
And more ...
CAll 07949271885