Local locksmiths Gosforth Locksmith Service provide a swift professional response to all your locking issues whatever they may be. Typically we will arrive within the hour (If required) we carry a wide range of typically found locks & locking mechanisms in the hope of resolving your issue in one swift visit. All locks supplied & fitted are British Standard home insurance approved (If required) & carry a 12 month warranty.
All work carried out to a high standard by a fully insured trained & qualified locksmith. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Check out are five star Google reviews⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Low cost labour rates with no call out fees or VAT added to bills we only charge for labour carried out and parts (If needed).
Common scenarios we regularly attend to;
Locked out, Lost keys, Keys snapped in lock, Upvc door handle not moving, Upvc handle just spinning, Keys just turning, Keys not turning.
Lock picking (Non destructive entries)
Lock upgrades
High security Euro locks supplied & fitted
High security wood mortice locks supplied & fitted
Upvc window & door locking issues resolved
Composite door locking issues resolved
Patio / french door locking issues fixed
Commercial shutter & shop unlocking
Garage door entries
Call 07949271885 for a free quotation or appointment
Visit www.gosforthlocksmithservice.co.uk